Lost again as the Brazilian returned to grab his 2 million early for Independence Day Party with babes. China grabbed some too, but in a different fashion, not regular. Can sure see where the crooks are this way. Now there is an Arbitration Opportunity somehow because it is Regular. When you have crooks, let them do all the dirty work, hop back on, then rip them off back just before they make off with your hard won lo0+. It's not like they can go to the Cops with their prints all over the scene of The Crime. Too much hassle though for a couple bucks, but worth the nice feeling supposing, What will they say when they get caught? "Zomeone stole 2 quantos from our stack o' lo0+! to bag LIBOR with tonight!" Lo0zy got some 'xplainin' to do... They already got some more to do over other matters. But Barclays got some to do too. It took a while to get caught is all. In Related News, SEC Targets Low Speed Traders. Man Bites Dog! Naw. Just kidding. ;) It is sorta like, "Hey! Your shoelace is untied, so who are you to blame us for Bank Robbery?" There is no honour among thieves any more it seems, but at least with some Fiduciary Aikido techniques, they get caught in the klieg lights doing it to each other.
I'm not that Banksy, but perhaps he is a Banks too. Gold Miners and Silver were big winners. NASDAQ is getting in the Suspect Hairy Eyeball column along with Emerging and Volatility 1. I also added a Small Caps hedge to the mix. They closed early at 1 PM for Independence Day, and maybe to get ready for Hurricane Arthur too.
Wiki has a nice bit on Continuously Compounded Interest up. Banks use it, but it seems to differ from what they give You. They draw the line at Weekly time periods, which is as close to approaching zero as they afford you. Brazil likes to grab even their little stock market bit for16 and a half hours a day, as if it is theirs during that time. Normal banks, it is yours all the time, but on Their Paper. Starting to see how they make out OK using your money, times x Mortgages? Definitely a can of worms there; We should give 'em The Bird. Ao is the start cash. r is the interest percent expressed as a decimal, per "t" time periods. "e" is Euler's Number, the base of the natural logarithm, which is roughly 2.71828. It will give those of little means a nice warm fuzzy. Just add Me to make it interesting. Ao... <3
Update July 2:
I'm not that Banksy, but perhaps he is a Banks too. Gold Miners and Silver were big winners. NASDAQ is getting in the Suspect Hairy Eyeball column along with Emerging and Volatility 1. I also added a Small Caps hedge to the mix. They closed early at 1 PM for Independence Day, and maybe to get ready for Hurricane Arthur too.
Wiki has a nice bit on Continuously Compounded Interest up. Banks use it, but it seems to differ from what they give You. They draw the line at Weekly time periods, which is as close to approaching zero as they afford you. Brazil likes to grab even their little stock market bit for16 and a half hours a day, as if it is theirs during that time. Normal banks, it is yours all the time, but on Their Paper. Starting to see how they make out OK using your money, times x Mortgages? Definitely a can of worms there; We should give 'em The Bird. Ao is the start cash. r is the interest percent expressed as a decimal, per "t" time periods. "e" is Euler's Number, the base of the natural logarithm, which is roughly 2.71828. It will give those of little means a nice warm fuzzy. Just add Me to make it interesting. Ao... <3
Update July 2:
But what happened to the Brazilian thief? He used to take a million overnight, every night, like clockwork. I guess he had a big date yesterday because he took $2 million. Not today so far. I guess they didn't buy his story about putting it back in the morning. Maybe he's caught up in traffic or fell victim to it accidentally on purpose. They are Driving Challenged there I know, aside from the Formula One circuit, so it Could Happen.
Gold Miners hedge lost today. USU's (USEC Minerals and Metals) giant leap recently might be behind it. Their Junior Siblings were losing this AM but came back at the end. Emerging markets lost a bit. China lost second day running as the YINN YANGs went awry. Everything else was up in mixed trading I guess. Rarely both sides win, or both lose as YINN and YANG, but generally they conform after time once balanced to cancel each other out. When they don't it folds their hand to an opportunity for entry if there is no fishy business going on. There wouldn't be any of that in China now, would there?
Update Jul 1 Melt Up:
Added to losers... Volatility, NASDAQ, S+P, Financials, Silver, China. We Will See for as we said so eloquently before, We intend to be the Morons on the other side of all your Smart Trades. We are those Sto0pid L053r Financial gals, you know. We had to invent a new kind of Algebra, Fo0lean Algebra, describing the psychology of our decidedly ignorant side of all that stock market geniu$.
Volatility has no Greeks on the options only showing N/A, and that is the biggest loser only showing half the hedge. Added new SVXY VIXY hedge too as SVXY UVXY gets too crowded, and it seemed like a truly ignorant thing to do. This is still up 5 million from yesterday's open. And I spent some of yesterday's excess dollars after a complaint that I was carrying too much cash ($1.067 Billion). Yachts make me seasick so...
Shop till u drop! Toodles! <3
Jun 30, 2014: There are actually a lot more hedges, but here are a few for now. They are generally in order of allocated buying power because those have been the most profitable since opening. I leave it up to you to find out how and why. The first hint is that they all show no quantity because they are all option positions.