Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Second Quarter

Tues, June 30, 2015: OK, technically it is the 3rd quarter now, but bear with me... Here is the current snapshot of the Most Stolen Signal in The World...
Why? "Because that's where the money is!" lulz (; Rx. <3

\Mon, June 15, 2015: We are closing on The Witch within the week. In the evening,

With the VIX expiring tomorrow, suffice to say we have the hairy eyeball on it.

Fri, May 29, 2015: There was another software bug, and again regarding share splits not correctly showing the post split value x new number of shares.

So I liquidated that side of the hedge, leaving the negative balance on the left above, while leaving us in a temporary large profit showing by 302 million bucks. I am presently un-hedged, but will slap it back on to reflect the new post split CUSIP numbers. I'm losing faith in the software though. It never used to do that. Likewise, they way they play with the convexity in Chicago, while also omitting key metrics regarding certain options, leading to the "N/A", also raises eyebrows. There seems to be a steady decline since Thinkorswim was a user oriented software back in 2008. Caveat Emptor.

Fri, May 1, 2015: Another month, and a flat one. There were real interesting skims going on, but it is mostly just a bug when certain things get reverse splits, and the calculation doesn't  reflect the new post split price with the same number of units.

I rebalanced and wound up about $1.3B less invested, as we had too bearish a weight I figure. We kept losing large on up days, only to come back when we had a large down day yesterday. So I rebalanced it for a slighter loss on those by taking a lot of bear insurance weight off. Option time premium also seems a lot lower than it used to be, with higher volatility now the norm, almost backwardating to a sure fire long straddle situation. They're setting themselves up for a real ass kicking if that is the case, but we all built this market. We don't have ZIRP to cover our ass when it all comes apart, and they still do.

Wednesday Apr 1, 2015: April Fools! We are not fooling though. The manipulation of volatility ETF's has failed on the bank side when they or a parasite hacker outed themselves yesterday. The Boss baited them with our little account here, confounding them by winning all the time. Of course, since we played by the rules, hedging, the only way they could win was to cheat. They crushed themselves as truth won out amplified when they tried to skim only part of a hedge. Their losses were also amplified.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2015:  Jack and Jill went up the Hill with 25 Bucks apiece. Jill came down with half a Ben Franklin. <3 Yes, it is Mother Robin and little Wace back in the saddle here. The Boss was called away on a medical emergency; His brother has been in a *strange* incident in the mountains. Lots of that going around. ;)

Now cut that out Boss! We all know you fucked the S+P Volatility ETF's today. Braggart! I bet he lost our lunchbox fund for lil' Wace...

I see my hedge is still intact sort of... Boss! Did you break their bank again? What is the Buying Power???? Not Applicable? WTF???

Well, I have to scoot. Lil' Wace needs a Wahmbulance. He just wants to suck my tit I think. That usually calms him right down.... Wace!!! He uses his tongue on it! Have you got an Oedipus Complex or something? Oh well, later. My my.... Ooooh! <3