The following is typical of stories cropping up all over. Why? Literally, the majority is in the same boat! story/help-for-retirement- savers-who-saved-too-little- 2014-01-10
You may think that is good news... You at least have a pension, you at least have assets... And you may even have an alternate income. But this leads to awful government catering to that completely idiotic and blissful majority, and by extension, fiscal policy basically destroying the hard won real wealth of those who had foresight to plan for this. Some are already planning in their Twenties for their retirement, so they can even retire comfortably at an older age, at which time it will be ripped off by that majority who didn't plan. Majorities elect governments to officially grab it for them. Likewise, you could pass it on to siblings, but if they aren't aware of this problem, it will be gone before long.
At this time, the great invisible ripoff artist is inflation. The Central Banks say that is only 2.5%. You can simply prove to yourself that it is over that number by a factor of 4, being closer to At Least 10%, using the "72 Rule". Simply put, divide 72 by the % interest rate to give the time in years to double. If prices double in about 7.2 years, the described rate should be about 10%. Look at the price of food, which is basically based on fuel. Before they became so stupid that they burnt food to make into "Biofuel," it may have been only 10%. They don't include fuel of food in that official "inflation rate." There's your COLA, already short by 7.5%.
In effect, this complete ignorance was like giving a critical patient a blood transfusion from their own ankle. Couple this with the Central Bank propensity to print away the unfunded liabilities of both the government portion of, and of your pension, it is a double runaway hit, delayed by only the very fact of Your and all of Your Peers' Retirement Itself. Let me know how that is "Booming" for Ya. For now it is all hidden "On Paper."
Now keep in mind I failed Economics at University. This was after having A+'s in College in the same topic. Anyways, they gave me a pass based on the weight of all my other courses. Given the same exams today, it turns out the answers were correct, but wrong according to the professor at the time. He was dead set against Trickle Down, The Laffer Curve, and Airline De-Regulation. All worked explosively spectacularly. Here we are again. Notice anything familiar as people rewrite history to suit their politics? So are we trying "Trickle Up?" this time?
There is a lot more, but that is enough for a start. It used to be simple; Buy Gold to fight inflation. There are lots of reasons why that isn't working these days. Notice all those gold ads have been disappearing? So we have to find something else more permanent, or at least right for the times. At least I am working on it. Are you?
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