Monday, 24 March 2014

Hey Hey What Can I Do???

I wish I could link sound files on here. There has to be a way. Maybe i can use a site, but they complain that the material is too good, and therefore it *must* be copywrited even though it is not. I can insert an image and a video, but not an audio unless I make it a blank video. That kind of sucks, because I have tracks of some very interesting instrumental versions of songs without vocals, and recorded by the biggest bands there ever was in the world.

It's always "something." The market is like that. If you find a way to win at it retail, they will move to close that hole up, or simply middle man it to take away the profit by breaking the dynamics of what makes it work. I have had that happen to myself. There is still a way beyond retail as being the original author of the imitated methodology, I would love to tell you, but I am sure that would kill it as they did when a sample of it was released using different underlying securities.

The fact that it still works simply means they have not found out yet. High Frequency Trading is one that they can't stop though. It looks like they are trying to with the new Michael Lewis book, "Flash Boys." CBOE and CME shares are dropping like a rock. This leads us to another nearly sure thing: Take a short position and then trash the underlying. It helps when you have the backing of the mainstream media. Any Jackass can kick a barn down. Let them try to un-ring that bell.

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