Monday, 3 March 2014

North Korea too...

North Korea fired a couple Scud missiles into the Sea of Japan. Add that to Russia occupying Ukraine and it looks to be a volatile day coming. Fasten your seat belts. We are back to an era of Military cutting at the worst possible time not seen since the Carter days 30 years ago. That preceded unprecedented interest rate hikes, but a couple of years later.

There is also an added geopolitical component with Venezuela trying to shake off a repressive socialist power hungry regime. Perfect storms are hard to engineer I guess, so perhaps they'll trade quantity for quality to manipulate the stock market.

I will guess Gold and Treasuries should take off, but look to Volatility ETF's like UVXY and TVIX to rise initially if it keeps up.

Another update Tuesday: Russia has called off the insurgency. They now call it an exercise. But now they have a new demonstrated financial weapon in their arsenal: The S&P Joystick.

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