Sorry a little late to the party. There has been a Survey Dispute that required my attention apparently. I will just ignore it for now... Lunch time: I Like Chinese Food! Korean Sechuan! Northern Style: Hot Labbit!
It Closed the Day after I had a craving for Peeking Duck!
Later in the Evening, I watched the Northern Lights! We Never See those at this Latitude! I hear Canada is rather chilly at this time of year. Some people say is the Chilling nature of the air up there, but it is a different phenomenon caused by the Sun's Solar Wind. How could Canadian winds cause them stretching out into Space... almost 2/3 way to the moon? Aura Borreliosis is what the Boss' little friends say, but I know it as the aurora borealis or something like that. They have such cute spelling, don't they, Wace? Teehehehe! They say the Russians up there "Shzt an' DiY'd... and not necessarily in that Order!" Well, it is a Good Thing that the Americans can run the Re-Entry vehicle then! lulz as they say...
Thurs Sept 11, 2014
I was attending a 911 Memorial as I lost both parents 13 years ago today. We soldier on in their Memory... Later the market opened with me riding it like I stole it. ;) Teehehehe...
I am still a little remorseful that they will never meet Lil' "Wace." I should have gotten knocked up and married like all the other Bad Girls in Boarding School by then they said. I saved my Virginity for the Left Man. Perhaps he, the Boss, will make amends for me as he vowed to do on the evening of that fateful day. He mailed them a letter at the Pentagon explaining that he was an Unconventional Balls Corps (UBC) Sapper from Canada and was available to do anything to help for free. It fell on deaf ears. Luckily, they Telepath. Pity they scrapped DARPA's Remote Viewing Programme. Perhaps that is why the Boss loves to go to the Dump! You wouldn't believe what they throw out these days! He calls it his "Squally World." I guess that is also why he likes the S+P Futures Pits in Chicago... Same thing! ;)
A lot of people still believe the Moon Landings were a hoax, filmed on a sound stage in Hollywood. I know that Cannot Be Possible! There are no Bikinis and Daisy Duke babes there, AND it was the 60's, silly! Of course, that is not accounting for the millions of Lunar Tick Babes there... and Naked! Oh My!!! These days they wear at least little G strings or thongs! Meanwhile, it is Lunchtime...
Zzzzzzzz... Snork! Oh Dear! I've been napping again, and what a bizarre dream! Nevermind... We are here to make money again... @3:15 PM
Oh Drat and Cocklepickles! It has already changed a couple million/billion dollars since then... I am such a failuer! <sobbing> I was <sniff!> sleeping on the switch that I was supposed to give to the Brats in my Dream... And they were like little Nazis... The Wurst Braats!!! Real Little Eichmann Sausage Braats! And now I've gone and burnt them to a crisp on the Bar-B-Q! On the upside, they were a few weeks past their Best Before date... munch munch... Oh Tasty! <Barrrrrp!> Oooh, even better on the Reflux! I hope that's Kosher... They sure taste Kosher! I made Mitts for Lil' Wace out of their lil' Wannabe Kraut Scalps first of course! Sure changed their lil' "Death to... Is Real!" tune since I did it before they had Expired, per se. Oddly, I heard their Messiah, Adolph Hitler, also liked to do Joozy Braats that way. So I returned the favour! ;) And how they protested about taking a shower first... Oy! Give them a Free Baptism and see what that gets you! I guess I will be needing a new Wal-Mart Burka... I spilled some of their Tobacco Mushroom Enema on this one... Being a born again Virgin, if only in My Dreams, is Fun for All Ages! Sausages!
Meanwhile back on the Markets, it is like Riding a Leopard... Do not let go of their Eyelashes on the Bridge of their Nose! And Duck those Paws on one side or the other! Yeehaw! They don't know it but they are stuck with me until Expiration next week. It is like I am 4 Witches in One! Oh, Look! Its spots ARE changing... I guess a leopard does change its spots, albeit to a Hue of premature Grey... I am a little bit of a novice at being a Leopard Puncher
Toodles, Ta Ta, Menana, X X , Ski-Doo-it Yourself! <3
Weds Sept 10, 2014
The Boss is such an Animal! He telepaths with Tigers! We opened well, then up $35B, but now back down for Lunch...
Then the close... albeit later... can't win them all. They are hurt at the implication of my Name. My Parents were a little deeper than that. Is is a pronoun, adverb, or adjective? <3
Tuesday Sept 9, 2014:
It is almost the 13th Anniversary of 911. I have been busy getting the Baby Room ready. You just never know if they will be Premature. Sometimes that is the way God works. I haven't been able to quit smoking yet though with all the stress. Little "Wace" as I have come to call him... I just *know* it is Him; Call it Mother's Intuition... will be a Cigar Chomping Lil' Virgin when he cums 'round the First Time... <3
I had another strange Dream. A whole bunch of Syrian Janitors had been newly hired by all the Supermarkets to carry out an awful Terrorist Attack. They had Pallets full of Aerosol Cans filled with Chemical Weapons, and Jugs of same including Nuclear Waste they were going to pour in the Fuel at Petrol Stations all over North America. Mercy! Why don't they lock those little Filling caps on the ground at the Gas Stations anyways? I will have to watch that newly found craving for Ice Cream Sandwiches and Pickles so close to bedtime.
Anyways, the Boss found out *Somehow* (After all, He is the Top Cop at the R.C.M.T.P. and everybody knows they always get Their Men/Women/Etc.) and was busy organising parties of 72 Virgins to sneak in and steal all their kit. Then they replaced them with products He Designed to catch the Terrorists exactly where they want us. The Spray cans were replaced with Anesthetic and fired sideways and backiwards. Their Gas Masks were fitted with Defective Filters. Each replacement pallet was Decorated with a little Bow in Arabic telling them about meeting 72 Virgins and how Allah was Great!
Well he must have got his signals mixed as his Virgins looked more like the local Hells Angels Motorcycle Club smoking Cigars as big as a Club! The Boss explained he couldn't find a single Virgin so he had to Improvise using the "Cali-Fornication Raisins" as he called them. He added that he thought it was Close Enough, and to take Legal Action against his firm if they wanted to complain; Take A Number! It smelled like the Boss replaced the nuclear waste they were going to pour in the Gasoline and Diesel with a Stinkbomb! Phewy! The last thing I remember was a Terrorist waking up with the Boss putting his Cigar out in the jerk's Forehead, Dead Center of the Terrorist's UniBrow. saying, "Welcome to Hell, Skippy! Come-on Girls... We're saddling up to bring this Shzt Show on the Road to Iran and Iraq! Get yer Burkas in a bunch an' Move Out!" Presumably they were using all the Terror Stuff they stole from the Terrorists. Then they all proceeded to march out back to base over the terrorists' hands, face, ass, toes and Nether Regions, soiling their Daytons a Tinch, and left a bunch of Harley Snakes in the parking lot. Then I too woke up.
I generally hate Tuesdays as well these days. One dream like that can ruin the whole weak. And their Holes were weak with those exploding cigars shoved up them a at least a couple knuckles deep. Thank God Google has a built in Spiel Chequer too! Terrorists generally can't spell worth a shiite. Teehehe!
Well, Back to Business. It is Banker's Lunch. Oh look! I have a "Bank Error in Your Favour!" card from community chest. They screwed up and the numbers here are divided by One Thousand! Dear Me! That means the numbers are only accurate to the nearest $10. So Sue Me like the Boss always says...
Here are the Boss' Lyrics to Space Cowboy transcribed and performed by Stephen Miller as transmitted audibly through Time and Space through the little Vacuum Tubes in his Amplifier back in the Day...
I told you 'bout living in the U.S. of A.
Don't you know that I'm a gangster of love
Let me tell you people that I found a new way
And I'm tired of all this talk about love
And the same old story with a new set of words
About the good and the bad and the poor
And the times keep on changin'
So I'm keepin' on top
Of every fat cat who walks through my door
I'm a space cowboy
Bet you weren't ready for that
I'm a space cowboy
I'm sure you know where it's at
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Bet you weren't ready for that
I'm a space cowboy
I'm sure you know where it's at
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I was born on this rock
And I've been travelin' through space
Since the moment I first realized
What all you fast talkin' cats would do if you could
You know, I'm ready for the final surprise
There ain't no way around it
Ain't nothing to say
That's gonna satisfy my soul deep inside
All the prayers and surveyors
Keep the whole place uptight
While it keeps on gettin' darker outside
And I've been travelin' through space
Since the moment I first realized
What all you fast talkin' cats would do if you could
You know, I'm ready for the final surprise
There ain't no way around it
Ain't nothing to say
That's gonna satisfy my soul deep inside
All the prayers and surveyors
Keep the whole place uptight
While it keeps on gettin' darker outside
I'm a space cowboy
Bet you weren't ready for that
I'm a space cowboy
I'm sure you know where it's at
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Bet you weren't ready for that
I'm a space cowboy
I'm sure you know where it's at
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I see the show downs, slow downs, lost and found, turn arounds
The boys in the military shirts
I keep my eyes on the prize, on the long fallen skies
And I don't let my friends get hurt
All you back room schemers, small trip dreamers
Better find something new to say
Cause you're the same old story
It's the same old crime
And you got some heavy dues to pay
The boys in the military shirts
I keep my eyes on the prize, on the long fallen skies
And I don't let my friends get hurt
All you back room schemers, small trip dreamers
Better find something new to say
Cause you're the same old story
It's the same old crime
And you got some heavy dues to pay
I'm a space cowboy
Bet you weren't ready for that
I'm a space cowboy
I'm sure you know where it's at
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Bet you weren't ready for that
I'm a space cowboy
I'm sure you know where it's at
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Notice all those Valve Amplifiers? How can He steal all of his own stolen Music? I presume that is why those Terrorists hate Music so much! That is why the Virgins have a Generous Stereo Upgrade allowance cumming their way! ;)
The Close was a bit better today, perhaps returning to this Universe where Mother and PaPa's savings belong. I think the Boss plugged their leak! Oh, goodie! I know he has been working hard on his diy Mo05h!+ Project and L6L and sort of let things slide. I was out shopping for various sundry items this afternoon, and picking up the Maol. Well, TaTa, and See You Tomorrow. xo <3
I've had a bit of a nightmare. Thank Goodness it is not real. The markets consequently have spun into the toilet:
No worries. They will come back... After one hour...
With 40 minutes remaining at 3:20 PM...
YAWWWWN! I was napping. I had another dream. The Boss and I found that somebody was Playing with some stolen Time Travel keys for Money because our Hedges were not proceeding as they should according to physics. They tried to stop the clock, making each second progress randomly instead of sequentially like the Universe really tends to do, and thus making the Bible carefully placed back into time 6,000 years into gibberish. The Boss laughed, pulled a key they missed out of *somewhere*, showed it to me, then inserted it into a Star Gate controller like thingy, and turned. Instantly, some drug addict jerkin' off trying to shove a gerbil up his own ass appeared, The Boss said, "lu53r got some 'splainin' to do!...," the chickenshit part Artsman/loser/Gerbil started screaming in terror, and I woke up. Silly dream... Teehehe!
Well that was the Bell. It was actually almost 6 million before that... I guess they will try and force fit it for 15 minutes as usual...
Well, I must go get an Ice Cream Sandwich and some Gerbil food. ;) TaTa! <3
Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014:
A bit of a banner open, we cracked $1B YTD this AM,
...subsided, but got it all back by Lunch.
I have no Idea how the Boss came up with this stuff. You may think he ripped it off from Aliens or something, but no. He says Aliens couldn't care less about money. They said a corrupt system run by humans will be like everything else they have done, and has so many loopholes in it you could drive one of The Boss's 50's through it. I assume he means something like his X50 he drew for me one day... some Project thingy he was working on. All I know is it seemed Boring. It even had a little "Boring" logo on it...
He said that was because it could drill through celestial bodies. He talked about working on the orbital equations necessary to do it to the Moon, extricating the material, and altering its axis so that it would leave a Smiley Face looking like it was smoking a cigar for all the Mo0nbatz he said that would be left on what would be left of Earth! Well! I steered the conversation back to about him Boring Me instead. That Worked! Teehehe! <3 At the Bell...
Unfortunately, The SEC will not allow me to show you why these numbers work, what we do, or how it is done. Pity. They are very silly when it comes to the operation of an Actual Hedge Fund, and very strict about letting anybody know how or what it does, actually enabling and opening up several avenues ripe for absolute corruption. Those Aliens are right, but of course a girl can never get enough pointy Italian shoes... I guess that is why he leaves it to me slogging it out in the trenches almost Every Day there is not a Labour Day. So this is Just Peachy! Ta ta! I have Tai Chi... <3
Friday, Aug 29, 2014 Update:
And we are off to the races with a flat open, which later trainwrecks in spectacular fashion. Little Ace is all ears because he cannot see out of me yet...

In 20 minutes we are already flying...
Anyways, I have to go walk Muffy. She is whining about doing her duty. See you next week!
Thursday, Aug 28, 2014 Update:
I overslept slightly again today, and after a good, hearty, delicious, colourful projectile vomit, checked into the market. That reminds me: I will have to shop for additional Corn for a little more colour balance.
Here we are at the Bell.
After settling out, the crooks have to take their cut...
... which turns out to be $36 million today. Perhaps their month-end budget needs shoring up to cover all the hookers, blow, little Dick Sports Cars, and caviar. Time flies fast when we knitted all day. Little Aloyicious has a new set of Booties. I have the same old one the Boss likes to *shoot* for. That reminds me; I really have to clean my gun up now, although it is really well oiled! Teeehehehe! xoxo <3
Wednesday Update:
I slept in. So what? I am tired and knocked up. And your point is? I checked in to the office at 3. The Boss sent me a Kiss by email. He is so thoughtful. <3
It ended up Here. I think I will make Stew with Pickles, Carrots, Peas, and a little Corn for Veggies...
I must go shopping... Ta Ta! xoxo <3
Tuesday Update...
Wasted days and wasted nights. Freddie Fender. Lil' Aloyicious likes it, giving me a tickle back. He is like a soap opera kid... They grow up so fast!
Oh that was the Closing Bell.. give it 15 minutes...
Might pay tuition at some Ivy League dump. Maybe we can lean into it a bit. They're *SO* droll. Ta ta. xoxo <3
Friday: Yes, sigh... I'm up the stump, pulled the pin, and hitch hiked back to Freeport with the Boss' Lil' Boy in me. <3 I felt homesick an' grabbed a few things like my Clamp an' Ben Wah Balls, and now I am back home telecommuting.
The markets have gone to hell in a handbasket since I packed my handbasket. I'll wrest them back soon enough. It's nice to be home though.
By 11:30 AM Friday, Aug 22, I have unpacked and I am back at the workstation with Little Aloyicius inside me. Let's spank these people...
Spanked, about 10 minutes later...
The Boss showed me what a Ten Minute spanking was all about. I hope he cums here. I have our little love nest already to go. <3
I have a few more things to unpack... Oh, look! It's the Boss' Logo... "Mark of The Beast." It means a lot to me. I <3 That Beast!!!!
He is busy doing another degree in Biomedical Engineering after finding a cure for Lyme Disease. I like it when he gives me a good Banting because he is The Best. xoxoxo <3 I can *feel* him in me when I think about it... Shudder... Excuse me, I have to go to the Loo...
So I diddled while Rome burned. I am a *Bad* girl. *Really* Bad! Teehehe!
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