Monday, 4 August 2014

Texas Hold 'Em

Chisese AirForce Day: Fliday Aug 8,2014.

It was a veritable Deer's breakfast today.

Then the close. I am preoccupied with the Boss on related matters, you could say.

We're going Trucking I think...

Thursday Update: Three thousand words from Brunch onwards... sigh... I am in dream world. <3

Wednesday Update:

I am very sorry for the delay but the Boss is working on auditing Medical School at the same time! My hands are getting sore from all this typing for him, and it is frustrating looking up every second word for spelling. On the plus side, he just "gave" me his account. Told ya I have nicer buns than that hussy. ;)

Sticking to the theme of Texas Hold 'Em, we want to Hold 'Em, but not get bad beat. Straight Flush beats four of a kind sorta thing... So I have been adding on the dips as you can see from the Available Dollars. The SEC will not let me tell you what parts I added to I have been warned, but the plus side is the Certification that we are definitely a Hedge Fund. And I told the boss about that hussy...

What a day...

Well, toodles. I have to dress to the nines... The Boss is taking me to a private function tonight backstage, as always. <3

Tuesday Update: Aug 5, 2014

Mixed opening after a large S+P selloff overnight. The general corrective malaise continues. Eventually there may be more value opportunities to invest our dry powder for next month as we monitor the big picture convexity. SPX has broken below 1930 again after 20 minutes.

The Boss says we cannot disclose our hedges due to SEC regulations as we are a bona fida Hedge Operation. So sue me. I have the Gubmint watching my six. I wish the Boss would monitor it more instead of that little Hussie at the beach. After our first hour of trading, SPX is 1933.05

We went to town. Come back to this. Now off for a swim. That's OK... we have deep pockets. <3

Monday Update: It is the Third week now. It is Monday, 11 days to August Expiration and 46 to September. After Lunch, it is mixed trading. We are back positive after last week's dip, where we took advantage to sell more September Calls. Even though the spreads were wide, they generally converge to Greek zero or one at expiration. The hedges were out of balance but now they are returning with SPX 1930 or so. And we still have a lot of dry powder.

Later in the afternoon, thinks have been looking up. The rebalance may have to be adjusted as volatility relaxes, but maybe not.

I wish it would hurry up. I have to make a new pair of Daisy Dukes and it is so hot. At least the boss cured my sunburn but a girl simply cannot be naked all the time even though that is the way I work best [; The Boss says I look a bit like Daisy Duke too.

Here he is again with that hussy. He'll dump her if I get a pair of Daisies like that I bet.

Here is the close... I'm off skinny dipping with sunscreen. Toodles.


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